On June 7th, Blink attended the "ESMOD Fashion Festival 18" event as a representative of Sophie Paris. This year, ESMOD Fashion School held an annual graduation celebration for students entitled "ESMOD Jakarta Fashion Festival 2014".
Participating with "Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival 2014", the event was held over three days from 5-7 June 2014, in Lippo Mall Kemang, Jakarta with "Attractshion" theme. Attractshion taken from the word attraction/ve and fashion.
Participating with "Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival 2014", the event was held over three days from 5-7 June 2014, in Lippo Mall Kemang, Jakarta with "Attractshion" theme. Attractshion taken from the word attraction/ve and fashion.
The festival was filled with exhibition, press conference, talk show, and fashion show from 51 young designer and 100 professional models.
ESMOD Jakarta provides the opportunity for students to showcase their creations in what we called the "market concept" similar to a department store, for giving out the nuances of how they present their products. The students are encouraged to work in teams to select people who have the same concept of the collection. All products are the result of the design of the student / student exhibited everything in "Fashion Village" in Lippo Atrium.
(Fantaken) Photos of Blink from the “ESMOD Jakarta Fashion Festival 18” can be found in Blinkstar Family's Gallery.
ESMOD Jakarta provides the opportunity for students to showcase their creations in what we called the "market concept" similar to a department store, for giving out the nuances of how they present their products. The students are encouraged to work in teams to select people who have the same concept of the collection. All products are the result of the design of the student / student exhibited everything in "Fashion Village" in Lippo Atrium.
(Fantaken) Photos of Blink from the “ESMOD Jakarta Fashion Festival 18” can be found in Blinkstar Family's Gallery.
Check out Blink's interview about 'ESMOD Jakarta Fashion Festival 18':
Source: ESMOD
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